Forming technology
EBZ focuses on body deep drawing in the context of forming technologies. This involves a combination of both standardized deep drawing and stretch forming. Different load types arise, depending on the desired component geometry and the drawing system defined by in-house engineering. The combinatorics and spectrum of these result in high requirements with regard to the controllability of the forming process.
In the case of complex body sections, the physical failure limits of the material are typically fully exploited and demand a high level of evaluation competency to achieve a reproducible and stable drawing process.
EBZ takes a holistic approach to the process, from early producibility studies to tool transfer to the customer press shop, thus ensuring that continually growing customer needs are adequately addressed.
Our services in the area of forming technology

Introducing large molds with the highest levels of precision.

In terms of accuracy and productivity, our tools meet the highest series production requirements in the automotive industry.